Joe and Holly's Wedding

Location: Guildford

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Elvetham Hotel

How things can change. We went to rhinefield house and were pretty roundly disappointed. The place was nice enough, the location was beautiful and the rooms were impressive, but they don't guarantee you'll be the only wedding on the day, you have to cater for certain numbers of guests in the evening etc. (stealth charges), Hotel rooms are very expensive and after the first 5 you have to stay two nights, etc. etc. So the current front-runner is The Elvetham Hotel. This is a beautiful place, but also a bit pricey, so we'll have to see what we think.

Also, we are now thinking of January for the wedding, December is a bit cluttered with stuff to do and January is much cheaper...

And my ring should be back from the jewellers today, so I can start to show it off again!


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Rhinefield House

Rhinefield House is the current front runner for our wedding / reception. It is in the heart of the New Forest and is a really beautiful location. Let's just hope that it is still available...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

First Post!

This is a new online journal that will contain news, info and other ods and sods about the forthcoming marriage between Holly Swaby and Joe Kilner.

Nothing to see here right now, so I'll just leave you with a picture of the item that started it all...